12-Week English Fluency Journey: JustEnglish.lk Experience

Madhawa Monarawila
4 min readOct 6, 2023


Hey, fellow language enthusiasts and curious minds!

If you’re anything like me, you might find initiating and sustaining conversations with strangers a bit, well, challenging. It’s not that I’m anti-social or anything, but as a proud introvert, I’ve often found myself preferring to keep things brief and to the point, especially when interacting with people I’ve never met before. But hey, life’s all about growth, right? And that’s exactly why I decided to embark on an exciting adventure with Just English Bootcamp!

So, picture this: me, an introvert extraordinaire, on a mission to break my conversational barriers and dive headfirst into the world of lively dialogues and engaging chitchat. It’s like stepping into a whole new universe where words flow effortlessly, stories unfold with every sentence, and connections are made through the magic of language. Intrigued? You bet I was!

The Just English Bootcamp promised an environment tailor-made for practicing English and honing my conversation skills. It sounded like just the thing I needed to unleash my inner chatterbox (well, sort of). And boy, did it deliver!

The bootcamp was structured in a way that felt both immersive and supportive. We had a bunch of activities that pushed me out of my comfort zone, and let me tell you, some of them were quite the challenge. Take, for instance, the “On-the-Spot Story Telling.”

We were given a snippet of a story and had to continue it while weaving in a set of words provided at the time. Talk about thinking on your feet! But you know what they say, practice makes perfect, and each attempt made me feel more confident.

Then there was the “yes and” scenario, where I had to engage in a conversation with a fellow bootcampers, starting each dialogue with “yes and…” This exercise truly tested my improvisation skills and helped me get comfortable with steering conversations in different directions.

Presentations were also on the menu, allowing us to share our thoughts and ideas in front of the group. As nerve-wracking as it was initially, I quickly realized that everyone was in the same boat, cheering each other on and offering valuable feedback.

One of the highlights was the “Would You Rather” activity, a debate-style challenge that pitted participants against each other in lively arguments. Imagine passionately discussing whether having the power to read minds trumps the ability to stop time! I was even assigned the power to stop time, and let me tell you, defending my stance was a whole lot of fun.

As the weeks went by, I found myself growing more at ease with striking up conversations with strangers. I had the chance to engage in casual chit-chat with Guest Buddies, who brought fresh perspectives and stories to our sessions. These interactions were incredibly enriching and helped me build my confidence step by step.

Now, as month one of the bootcamp comes to a close, I can’t help but reflect on the progress I’ve made. Sure, there were moments of stumbling and fumbling over words, but those were outweighed by the strides I’ve taken in becoming a more expressive and engaging communicator. I’ve identified areas where I can improve, and I’m committed to putting in the work to overcome my challenges.

And you know what the cherry on top is? I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a diverse group of fascinating individuals along the way, each contributing to my growth in their own unique way. Their encouraging feedback and genuine camaraderie have been invaluable, making this journey even more rewarding.

So, dear readers, if you’ve ever felt that familiar tug of hesitation when it comes to striking up conversations with new faces, I encourage you to take a leap of faith, just like I did.

Joining Just English Bootcamp has been an eye-opening experience, and I can’t wait to see how much more I’ll achieve in the coming months.

You can check their website out at justenglish.lk

Stay tuned, because I’ll be back with another update at the end of the next month. Until then, keep those conversations flowing and embrace the wonderful world of language and connection. Catch you later!

Thank you for reading!🤞🏻



Madhawa Monarawila

Software Engineer | Third year undergraduate at ITUM Sri Lanka.